The Power of Prayer and Fasting edition by Ronnie W Floyd Religion Spirituality eBooks

The hand-in-hand spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting is not a gimmick or a spiritual fad, although its neglect in recent decades makes it a new discovery for many Christians. Instead, as author Ronnie Floyd explains, prayer and fasting is a Scritpure-ordained act of obedience—a means of humbling ourselves before God, drawing closer to Him, and making room for Him to speak and act in our lives.
This newly revised and updated edition of The Power of Prayer and Fasting offers fascinating firsthand stories of the difference prayer and fasting has made in Floyd's life and others, compelling explanations of how this discipline works in a Christian's life, practical guidance for those who have never fasted before, and a stirring call to revival. New material includes a chapter on fasting together as a church for the needs of one person, family, or the church itself.
The Power of Prayer and Fasting edition by Ronnie W Floyd Religion Spirituality eBooks
This book was helpful as I was about to do a spiritual fast to ask the Holy Spirit to come into my life and set me free from bondage of reoccurring sin and pain and emptiness of not knowing the power of God (Jesus) in the form of His Holy Spirit. I completed my fast before I ever read the authors experience in his fast because I wanted to know that what I got from God was authentic and not based on what I read in this book, but what I read in the Bible while I read and prayed and journaled. God changed my life forever. I was set free from alcoholism, bad language, back pain, emptiness, and no longer was a slave to destruction but set free to have God's best for my life!Product details

Tags : The Power of Prayer and Fasting - Kindle edition by Ronnie W. Floyd. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Power of Prayer and Fasting.,ebook,Ronnie W. Floyd,The Power of Prayer and Fasting,B&H Publishing Group,RELIGION Christian Life Women's Issues
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The Power of Prayer and Fasting edition by Ronnie W Floyd Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
I didn't know how to fast, so my pastor recommended this book. It gives very good instructions for those wanting to fast and pray, even for fasts from certain foods/drinks or other items.
I purchased this book in hope of understanding prayer and fasting and how they correlate with scripture then how to practically practice these disciplines. I was pleased with the information and guidance provided in this book.
Good guidance for you if you feel God is leading you to worship in this way. It gives Biblical basis and leadership in how to get started I look forward to putting this knowledge to use as I grow in God.
Mahesh Havda's book on fasting is better...both good, however, since it is more specific and to the point. Get both.
good book
Great read on self denial and fasting; perfect book in perfect ordering time; was slightly used exactly; many examples of practical fasting by an effective pastor
The modern church is plagued by cheap grace and ease of believism. It is too easy yo be a "Christian" and we wonder why the fire has gone out and the glory just never seems to fall on our worship anymore.
Lots of music, more comfortable churches with better food and multiple programs that collectively produce fewer baptisms and more empty pews. Why?
Jesus said that he would build his church and that we were to make disciples. We have turned that around to our peril. What has vanished from our collective worship? Repentance, prayer, fasting, spiritual growth, sacrifice, brokenness, confession, and humility. We have become carnal Christians starving for the fire of the Holy Spirit. We are luke warm, proud, filled with ourselves....and God cannot and will not honor that.
How do we turn it around and find our way back to the foot of the cross? Can we once again weep for the lost, hunger for rightousness, bathe in His glory? Yes we can. But doing what got us here in the first place will not get us out of where we are. So wat do we do?
Buy this book, read it and allow the Holy Spirit to apply it to your spirit. It is simple to read and understand. But it is a God thing to eperience the essence of truth it contains.
This book was helpful as I was about to do a spiritual fast to ask the Holy Spirit to come into my life and set me free from bondage of reoccurring sin and pain and emptiness of not knowing the power of God (Jesus) in the form of His Holy Spirit. I completed my fast before I ever read the authors experience in his fast because I wanted to know that what I got from God was authentic and not based on what I read in this book, but what I read in the Bible while I read and prayed and journaled. God changed my life forever. I was set free from alcoholism, bad language, back pain, emptiness, and no longer was a slave to destruction but set free to have God's best for my life!

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