For Love of the Duke The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1 edition by Christi Caldwell Literature Fiction eBooks

For Love of the Duke The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1 edition by Christi Caldwell Literature Fiction eBooks
I like my heros dark and edgy and Christy Caldwell does a good job delivering, but could take it a step further. Her characters are deep and complex and her writing is compelling. It flows easily and I didn't want to put this book down. While there is definite conflict between the characters and it is not a 'sweet and perfect' romance, that could be a little darker. The sex scene is short and somewhat rushed and I felt like she was as uncomfortable writing about it and just wanted to get it over with. In her third "Heart of a Duke" book there is no sex scene at all. In this book there is one, and it's like half a page, so that is disappointing. It would be a five star book if it weren't for that and the need for a little more of a 'barely leashed' hero :)
Tags : For Love of the Duke (The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Christi Caldwell. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading For Love of the Duke (The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1).,ebook,Christi Caldwell,For Love of the Duke (The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1),Christi Caldwell Incorporated,Fiction Romance General,Fiction Romance Historical Regency
For Love of the Duke The Heart of a Duke Series Book 1 edition by Christi Caldwell Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
She says one thing and then completely contradicts herself I found it confusing and not well written. She's trying to hard to explain everything and not letting the story just develop. No confidence in the ability of the reader to make the simplest of connections.
Enjoyed this couple, though I found the H more than annoying, to let the h leave and not follow for four months!? The h is a sweet, caring young girl, not interested in the ton. She meets the H, a Duke, when she falls through the ice at the frost fair and he rescues her. A flirtation of sorts ensues and she proposes marriage as a means to solve problems for both of them. He agrees, then proceeds to be an ass. He was widowed four years earlier and has hardened his heart against love, though she has found her way into his mind, bringing ingredients some small light. He insists they leave for his estate immediately, days before Christmas , then is a jerk to her when they get there. He refuses to have feelings for her, though he does finally consummate the marriage. She finally leaves the estate, devasted by his lack of caring. And. He. Does. Not . Follow. Her. The story draws you in, and you truly care for these two, while also finding him so frustrating. All ends well , of course, it is a romance. This author does a great job of creating deep interest in the couple, and I'll finish the series. The 8th in the series brought me to them, and it was outstanding , so now I'm catching up. It was one of the best I've read.
I wish I had read (from other sites) reviews before buying all the books in this series - Great Story but in one paragraph a scene is happening then a sentence and then the same scene from the previous paragraph Written in a Different way - its like the author wrote something then decided I can do this better this happened throughout the book and just took the main story (which could have been great) and just muddled it all up
This was a very illogical book. Nothing made much sense except for a few things. I liked Katherine's stubbornness for the most part and I thought it was brave of her to get out while the getting was good instead of moping around until the straw broke the camel's back.
The Duke's friend was just a carrier pigeon just there to bring news and they didn't even act like friends either. I gave this two star because no spark and it could have been Sooo Much Better
This author creates lively characters and is a competent story teller. This book needed an attentive editor to correct contradictions in the narrative and to smooth tangled and ungrammatical sentences. A better editor could eliminate wince inducing descriptions like "hot heat". This book should not have been rushed to press.
I have to say this is by far my favorite book of Christi Caldwell's so far.I was so sad when it ended. I wanted more time eith Jasper and Katherine. I love love this book and the chemistry between these two was amazing they drew you into their story. It took me days before I wanted to read another book.This wonderful book is a must read and collection for your library.
This is one of the worst books I have read in a very, very long time. Unfortunately, I had to give it one star which it does not deserve. Spoiler alert! This book can be summarized as follows He is consumed with guilt because he "murdered" his wife and child who died in childbirth. She is anxiety-ridden after her father gambled away his fortune and left the family in a precarious financial condition. This is repeated over and over ad nauseum, and in a high melodramatic style for 300 pages. If this is your cup of tea, you may like this book. I am deleting this book, and will not be reading this author again.
The author should really have figured out the difference between possessive pronouns and verbs by now (whose/who is, our/are). Lots of mistakes that were honestly really distracting. I am shocked at the good reviews, since the writing was repetitive and unskilled, and some of the plot points were completely undeveloped. The last straw was the heroine slapping/punching/jabbing whenever she got annoyed at the hero, it was completely unnecessary to the story and makes light of domestic abuse without ever recognizing it as such.
Have to agree with those who panned this one because I was shocked at how poorly written and repetitious the whole story turned out to be from a celebrated author. More stunning is the fact that this was her 10th novel, not her first or even third but the 10th.
A comma before every AND followed by a fragment, making it extremely difficult to read and stay in the story. The repetition became insulting, like I would NEVER be able to remember what I'd read just a few paragraphs ago. We got why he was cold-hearted and in pain the first time. We got that she was desperate to flee the first time. A majority of this work was 'reminder' to the reader so could have been a much better story in Novella form minus the repetition.
Not sure if I'll be reading anymore work from this Best-Selling author.
I like my heros dark and edgy and Christy Caldwell does a good job delivering, but could take it a step further. Her characters are deep and complex and her writing is compelling. It flows easily and I didn't want to put this book down. While there is definite conflict between the characters and it is not a 'sweet and perfect' romance, that could be a little darker. The sex scene is short and somewhat rushed and I felt like she was as uncomfortable writing about it and just wanted to get it over with. In her third "Heart of a Duke" book there is no sex scene at all. In this book there is one, and it's like half a page, so that is disappointing. It would be a five star book if it weren't for that and the need for a little more of a 'barely leashed' hero )

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