SHEIFGAB! Staying Sane Motivated and Productive in Job Search Conor Cunneen 9780976374015 Books

Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search skillfully addresses an issue only those in job transition can appreciate. At a time when job seekers are involved in what for many is THE most important, frustrating and difficult job ever—trying to find that well paying job—morale and productivity are at a low ebb. Based on Conor Cunneen’s acclaimed SHEIFGAB! presentation (“The best two-hours spent in my job search” – LinkedIn recommendation), this is a book written with passion and knowledge by an author who has a deep appreciation and empathy for job seekers. On a visit to the United States, Irishman Finbarr Kozlowski is invited to present his SHEIFGAB! concept to a group of frustrated, disillusioned, pained and dispirited job seekers. In a book written by a Chicago Humorous Speaker of the year that will have you learning and laughing, Finbarr demonstrates 8 down to earth, real-world, zero-cost, implementable concepts to help you Stay Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search and walk into that interview 12 feet tall and bulletproof • Structure THE key building block to staying motivated • Help others You Help yourself and your job search • Environment change is critical for job seekers • Improve yourself and you improve your job prospects • Family Do NOT take parking spots at home • Goals S-HAGs = Small Highly Achievable Goals • Attitude What do I want my Attitude to be? • Behavior creates Brand. Employers buy Brand
SHEIFGAB! Staying Sane Motivated and Productive in Job Search Conor Cunneen 9780976374015 Books
SHEIFGAB! is one of the best books I have ever read on how to plan your time during a job search. As always, Conor writes with a sense of humor, great examples, and organizational ideas. I have facilitated Job Search Networking Groups for many years. SHEIFGAB was the basis of my group for the past few months, followed by a guest appearance and presentation by Mr. Cuneen! The book and our discussions were so motivating for our meetings. Every chapter starts with a motivational quote and ends with Finbarr's cheat notes.Although the focus of SHEIFGAB! is the job search, it is also a valuable tool for any stage of life. Having STRUCTURE for you day, HELPing others, ENVIRONMENT change, IMPROVING yourself, FAMILY respect, GOAL setting, ATTITUDE in your presentation and BEHAVIOR/BRAND is of value to students, homemakers, retirees and anyone going through a life change.
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Tags : SHEIFGAB! Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search [Conor Cunneen] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search skillfully addresses an issue only those in job transition can appreciate. At a time when job seekers are involved in what for many is THE most important,Conor Cunneen,SHEIFGAB! Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search,SUAS,0976374013,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Careers General
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SHEIFGAB! Staying Sane Motivated and Productive in Job Search Conor Cunneen 9780976374015 Books Reviews
This book deals with a subject that I have not seen addressed in other books of this type, and that is the EMOTIONAL challenges and problems that job seekers face, and how they may be undermining their own job search efforts. This issue is handled in a frank but very caring and compassionate way. Staying motivated is a challenge and this book deals with that issue beautifully.
Conor Cunneen has a most unusual style of writing. And it works - by making the point in an unexpected way. The book is an enjoyable read because of the narrative approach, so I think it'll be useful to anyone on the job search. The logic of the book is clear and crisp, with definite steps that break down the hard into easier sub-stages.
Conor is great in print and in person - and catch his videos for a peek inside. Both professional and entertaining - "What do I want my attitude to be" and others puts him right there with Zig. Even if one uses just a bit of his insights the whole search process takes on a new light!
The structure of this book is very relatable to someone in job search. Not only is it an easy read, but it's extremely useful and very motivating as well. Job search is a mind game, and this book helps a lot in dealing with that game. I recommend this book to anyone in search mode, because staying positive and productive is critical. This is a great guide for doing just that.
This book is a quick read with some humor (albeit it a bit corny at times). Being a "NIGEP" myself (non income generating employed person), it was refreshing for a change to read a self-help book for the job seeker that leans toward the lighter side and does not take itself so seriously. Granted, finding a job is serious business, but sometimes you just need a break from the drudgery of it all. That said, don't let Conor Cunneen's easy story telling style fool you; this book contains some very powerful and (more importantly) USEFUL advice. SHEIFGAB the World!
The subtitle says it all - staying sane, motivated and productive in job search. Serious insights to excellent building blocks and tips in job search told with humor. SHEIFGAB is a lifestyle choice that is useful in job search and beyond.
If someone had told me you could write a humorous book on the job search process, I would have wondered how much time they've been spending at the pub. But then I read Conor Cunneen's book on "Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in Job Search" and realized this is just the type of book I would have expected this slightly zany Irishman would write. I first saw a presentation from the author when I was in transition four years ago. His SHEIFGAB concept, providing 8 building blocks to help you through the challenges of the job search, is full of insights and ideas that will lift anyone who is struggling through what Conor calls a "rite of passage."
It is a fine read by someone who obviously empathizes with the job seeker. I loved the so called "cheat notes" at the end of each chapter which recap concisely and accurately the key points.
Yes it is a humorous book, but one that will not just make you smile, it will also genuinely help in your job search. Now, click the "Add to Cart" button and read this book; it's a high payoff activity.
SHEIFGAB! is one of the best books I have ever read on how to plan your time during a job search. As always, Conor writes with a sense of humor, great examples, and organizational ideas. I have facilitated Job Search Networking Groups for many years. SHEIFGAB was the basis of my group for the past few months, followed by a guest appearance and presentation by Mr. Cuneen! The book and our discussions were so motivating for our meetings. Every chapter starts with a motivational quote and ends with Finbarr's cheat notes.
Although the focus of SHEIFGAB! is the job search, it is also a valuable tool for any stage of life. Having STRUCTURE for you day, HELPing others, ENVIRONMENT change, IMPROVING yourself, FAMILY respect, GOAL setting, ATTITUDE in your presentation and BEHAVIOR/BRAND is of value to students, homemakers, retirees and anyone going through a life change.

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