Pet Sematary Stephen King 9781416524342 Books

Pet Sematary Stephen King 9781416524342 Books
Pet Cemetery is, in every sense of the word, "electrifyingly terrifying." I read this book for the first time back in 1983 when it had just hit the book shelves. After just finishing Christine and hungry for some more "KING", I purchased a hardcover version of Pet Cemetery. I got into reading novels pretty early and it was Pet Cemetery that kept me "hooked" into reading for a long time. It still remains to this day one of the few books that kept me awake late at night and, on several occasions, I made a mad dash for home right off the school bus just to get to the scene where Louis Creed discovers what is "beyond the Pet Cemetery."This is one of King's earlier books, but it stands the test of time in the modern age. You don't need technology or High Digital TV to get the full effect of what what it means to be truly frightened. In pet Cemetery the fear is on the pages, in every sense of the word and, as the story moves on, even though you don't want the Creed family to find out what lies beyond the Pet Sematery that lurks just beyond their backdoor, in the darkest recesses of your heart you know its inevitable: the worst is yet to come, and it does...but far worse than anything most people would imagine, except for KING himself who said after writing the book that "This is the one I put away in a drawer thinking I had finally gone too far." The readers will have to be the judge of that.
Although most people are familiar with the story , allow me to make the synopsis brief: The Creed family moves to a small rural town in Maine. Louis, father and soon-to-be local physician, Rachel his wife and mother to Ellie [10] and Gage [2]. They have a black cat named Church who plays the role as one of the central characters. Across the street is Jud Crandall, an old timer who lives directly across the street and soon becomes friends of the Creeds. Later it is Jud's influence that introduces the family [in particular Louis] to the horrors that lie beyond the woods. And from the moment the family makes its first trek up the darkened pathway to discover the Pet Sematary, the horror begins.
In addition to the basic premise of the story, there are enough "hints" and "secrets" to add real depth to the book: The house is located on a busy highway with trucks running day and night; there is the ghost of Victor Pacow, the victim of an unfortunate accident, who dies in Louis Creed's hospital and haunts him in his sleep; Rachel, Louis's wife, who is haunted by memories of her sister Zelda who suffered from spinal meningitis; and then there are the words of Jud Crandall that haunts the readers throughout the story, right to the grisly end: "What you buy is what you own, and sooner or later what you own always comes back to you."
And it does. In Pet Sematary, it always does.
This book is high on my list of recommendations, not only for horror/macabre fans, but for fiction lovers who crave a great story that cuts to the bone of fear. You will not be disappointed with Sematary as it ranks amongst one of the great reads by the "Master of Horror."

Tags : Pet Sematary [Stephen King] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <P><I> Sometimes dead is better.... </I><P>When the Creeds move into a beautiful old house in rural Maine,Stephen King,Pet Sematary,Pocket,1416524347,~#@1xRAGT`1659@3i9ee_2005_unk2,Thrillers - Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Horror,Fiction General,Fiction Horror,Fiction Suspense,Fiction Thrillers Suspense,Horror,Horror - General,Suspense
Pet Sematary Stephen King 9781416524342 Books Reviews
I had seen the movie before I read the book so going in I thought I knew what to expect. But I was actually caught off guard and found myself loving the book more then I loved the movie. I still think the movie is good but this book is just... more.
The characters in this book are just so complex. Each one of them feels real. One moment I am sympathetic with Jack a man who just can't seem to get a break. But the next moment I am scared of him and what he might do to his family. Wendy is also so much more complex. I found myself really interested in her and absolutely scared for her life.
Danny though is my favorite. He's such a bright and sweet boy and it was interesting to get into his head. I loved to read how conflicted he got between protecting his family but also not wanting to upset them. I also really love his interactions with Dick Hallorann who is also very interesting.
Overall this is an excellent creepy read.
I finished this book about a half hour until midnight tonight. I had always loved the movie growing up so my brain conjured up the idea of reading the book. Seemed innocent enough and my sweet little naive mind thought, "how bad can it possibly be?" I read some of the other reviews just to see what I was getting myself into. After some peer research, I felt adequately prepared for the task at hand. As I sit here with all the lights on in my house, Boy Was I Wrong! I have been a little more jumpy and experiencing some pretty bizarre dreams since I began reading but nothing prepared me for the sheer terror I was in store for as I read the last 100 pages or so. By the time I reached the final pages, my hands and feet were ice cold and clammy. I am almost 30 years old and I was terrified to leave my bed to go to the bathroom. I worked up the courage (or my bladder couldn't take it any more) and embarked on the trek to the bathroom. As I passed my children's bedroom, my two year old started screaming and crying in her sleep. I am about 99.9% sure that I lost a little piece of my soul (and possibly gained a touch of PTSD) from fright! Overall, this book is great and by far the scariest thing I have ever read. If you have never read it, I highly recommend it!
I don't typically write reviews about books. I've read close to 20 SK books in the last year and a half and over more in my life...this is so unlike his normal character as a writer that it's unnerving. I've read IT, the Stand, 'Salem's Lot, Carrie, Dark Tower series 1-7.5(?) - everything chronologically before this book and tons of newer stuff (I'm working back through his catalogue from start to finish). Nothing compares to this. Prepare for the darkest form of horror. I can't with good conscience recommend anyone to read this book. It gave me nightmares every night that I read it. I woke up thinking about it, and couldn't get it out of my head. I'm reading something else as fast as I can...can't wait to get back to the basic SK. Nothing else holds a candle to this.
Pet Cemetery is, in every sense of the word, "electrifyingly terrifying." I read this book for the first time back in 1983 when it had just hit the book shelves. After just finishing Christine and hungry for some more "KING", I purchased a hardcover version of Pet Cemetery. I got into reading novels pretty early and it was Pet Cemetery that kept me "hooked" into reading for a long time. It still remains to this day one of the few books that kept me awake late at night and, on several occasions, I made a mad dash for home right off the school bus just to get to the scene where Louis Creed discovers what is "beyond the Pet Cemetery."
This is one of King's earlier books, but it stands the test of time in the modern age. You don't need technology or High Digital TV to get the full effect of what what it means to be truly frightened. In pet Cemetery the fear is on the pages, in every sense of the word and, as the story moves on, even though you don't want the Creed family to find out what lies beyond the Pet Sematery that lurks just beyond their backdoor, in the darkest recesses of your heart you know its inevitable the worst is yet to come, and it does...but far worse than anything most people would imagine, except for KING himself who said after writing the book that "This is the one I put away in a drawer thinking I had finally gone too far." The readers will have to be the judge of that.
Although most people are familiar with the story , allow me to make the synopsis brief The Creed family moves to a small rural town in Maine. Louis, father and soon-to-be local physician, Rachel his wife and mother to Ellie [10] and Gage [2]. They have a black cat named Church who plays the role as one of the central characters. Across the street is Jud Crandall, an old timer who lives directly across the street and soon becomes friends of the Creeds. Later it is Jud's influence that introduces the family [in particular Louis] to the horrors that lie beyond the woods. And from the moment the family makes its first trek up the darkened pathway to discover the Pet Sematary, the horror begins.
In addition to the basic premise of the story, there are enough "hints" and "secrets" to add real depth to the book The house is located on a busy highway with trucks running day and night; there is the ghost of Victor Pacow, the victim of an unfortunate accident, who dies in Louis Creed's hospital and haunts him in his sleep; Rachel, Louis's wife, who is haunted by memories of her sister Zelda who suffered from spinal meningitis; and then there are the words of Jud Crandall that haunts the readers throughout the story, right to the grisly end "What you buy is what you own, and sooner or later what you own always comes back to you."
And it does. In Pet Sematary, it always does.
This book is high on my list of recommendations, not only for horror/macabre fans, but for fiction lovers who crave a great story that cuts to the bone of fear. You will not be disappointed with Sematary as it ranks amongst one of the great reads by the "Master of Horror."

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