The Hollow Poirot Agatha Christie 9780007121021 Books

The Hollow Poirot Agatha Christie 9780007121021 Books
Really fun read with lots of misdirection to keep readers on their toes. It's a little different from Christie's earlier books, and Poirot is more in the background than usual, even though he was an eye witness. This story is very much character driven and the characters well drawn and fascinating. Not a humble rector or little old lady in the bunch. It deserves to. be better known than it is, but is perhaps overlooked because Poirot is not as central to the story as usual. But his little gray cells are in fine form, don't worry. He soon untangles all the misdirection and red herrings to discover "who dunnit." Part mystery and part drawing room comedy, it has a different pace from many of Christie's books, but may be one of best.
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The Hollow Poirot Agatha Christie 9780007121021 Books Reviews
Most Christie fans think that her books from the late 1920s through the mid-1940s were her best. This book was first published in 1946 when Christie was 56 years old and starting to flag a bit, although she still had another 25 years worth of writing in her! I think of the Poirot novels as falling into two categories Those where Poirot is involved from the beginning -- often accompanied by Colonel Hastings -- and those where a good part of the story has been told -- often including the murder -- before Poirot makes his appearance (sans Hastings). This novel is of the second type. In fact, Poirot makes very little effort to solve the case by carrying out an investigation, waiting instead for the various suspects to come to see him. He is so passive that his sudden trip at the end of the novel from the countryside where the mystery is set into London to confront the murderer seems rather abrupt. Although the mystery is satisfying and the story is interesting, the resolution is not the best. In addition to Poirot's somewhat under motivated appearance at the crucial moment, it seems odd that [QUASI-SPOILER ALERT] the murderer would both have poison available and have the presence of mind to slip it into the tea of the person who is confronting the murderer. Nevetheless, this is certaintly a very good, if not quite great, Christie and these Black Dog editions are terrific bargains at less than $10 on .
I actually liked the fact that Poirot is a fairly minor character here- think the author should have written more of her books this way especially since she seemed to get burnt out on him. Specifically as others have pointed out there was much more focus on the characters and their backgrounds and motivations. There was much less focus on drama and detective work. I liked that the inspector Poirot does inevitably work with is not the traditional bumbling buffoon whose sole purpose is to serve as a punching bag for Poirot. Definitely a different kind of Christie book.
A strange bunch of characters meet at a home in the English countryside. One gets murdered. Each of the personalities is really fleshed out so that you can see them in the mind's eye, even the murder victim. That is what I really enjoyed about this novel. Hercule Poirot just happens to be occupying a cottage next door, so he is involved. It takes him a while, but he figures it all out and solves the case. A real page-turner.
Christie didn't usually write deep characters, and even when she did, they tended to fall into specific patterns. This book contains some of her deepest characterizations, with the scatty but rich Lady Angkatell, the poor but proud Madge, the altruistic but dictatorial doctor John, his sheeplike wife Gerda, and his mistress, the sculptor Henrietta Savenake, all of whom wind up at the Angkatell's for a country house weekend. Hercule Poirot is invited for lunch, and arrives to what he thinks is a fake murder scene set especially for him. What a surprise when he finds out it's a real murder scene. Romance intertwines with jealousy, disappointment, and murder. Not especially bloody, but psychologically sound and with Lady Angkatell around to spout non sequiturs, often funny. Although published right after WWII, the book feels more like it's set in the late pre-war period.
Of all the Christie 's I've read (60+), this is far and away her best with respect to character development. It's the first I've read thus far where the characters were so vividly drawn that I had no trouble keeping track of who was whom. The mystery seems almost an afterthought, and yet is brilliantly deceiving. I read voraciously, and it requires quite a lot to cause me to raise my brow and step back to simply admire a book as an art form; Christie pulled it off with The Hollow. An exceptional, and exceptionally underrated work
This is the most psychological of the Agatha Christie's that I've read so far (and I've read a lot). I agree that with other reviewers (and with Christie herself) that the late addition of Poirot changes the book into a much more wooden read. Not only is Poirot's character not used in his green-cat-eyed best, but the book becomes almost mechanical in its treatment of the mystery.
I still give it 4 stars because I love the first part of the book. I realized, like others, somewhere in the middle of the book that I had read this in the past when I was a Christie harlot in my teens. Now, I am rereading Christie with a greater appreciation of her apt insights into psychology and life in general. Where in the past, I had to take these descriptions on faith, I can now recognize them as true within my own experience.
Don't read it if you're looking for a straight mystery. There are many better Christie books for that. But if you're into Christie for all the aphoristic bits, then the first half of the book will satisfy.
Really fun read with lots of misdirection to keep readers on their toes. It's a little different from Christie's earlier books, and Poirot is more in the background than usual, even though he was an eye witness. This story is very much character driven and the characters well drawn and fascinating. Not a humble rector or little old lady in the bunch. It deserves to. be better known than it is, but is perhaps overlooked because Poirot is not as central to the story as usual. But his little gray cells are in fine form, don't worry. He soon untangles all the misdirection and red herrings to discover "who dunnit." Part mystery and part drawing room comedy, it has a different pace from many of Christie's books, but may be one of best.

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